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Hold Yer Nose

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   Reke and Zigny clasped forearms, then Zigny ordered all the gnomes gathered to follow him. Reke waited for the return of the last gnomes. Soon they arrived with the still unresponsive half-goblin and several wounded, but walking goblins. After securing these prisoners with the others, Reke set the switches for the tunnel traps. He hoped Zigny and the other force had made it to the side tunnels by then, he wished to trap any fleeing drow, not slay the Master. Then, they march out the Doorway and into the night at a quick pace.
   Soon, they arrived at the hidden portal and slip into the town. They could hear the raw sound of battle coming from the Cavern defenses and hurried to lend assistance. Reke stopped short as he entered the Cavern Hall, where the defenses were manned and saw the gnomes fighting hand to hand with drow warriors. Reke and his men rushed to battle, over-coming the attackers quickly. Reke spotted C'Mander Derviskopal in the fight and made his way to him.
   "Is Zigny with you?" the C'Mander asked before Reke can report. At the Lieutenant's head shake, Derv' looked a bit more subdued. There were several large breaches in the Cavern wall, from one of them Reke could see strange insects with huge mandibles tearing at the stone widening the breaks, driven by drow carrying long glowing rods. His attention snapped back to the C'Mander as the old man spoke in a low and thoughtful voice. He sounded as if musing, but still his voice held the strength of steel.

   "Take your men through the One-Way Gate and reinforce Zigny. Tell him he must get to the alcove above the attackers. You must lead your men against those creatures. We will hold this wall to the last gnome." C'Mander Derviskopal was not his normal grumpy self, he was all business.
   "Yes, sir," replied Reke and he took his men to the hole in the south eastern wall known as the One-Way Gate. It was a small tunnel carved to slide warriors or refugees out into the hidden side passages where Zigny and his men were getting into position. By now Zigny was aware of the assault and had changed his plans accordingly.
   Reke went first followed by his men. They popped out near the crossroad where the paths to the southern gate and the eastern wall met. They could hear the gnomes speaking quietly. They were waiting for the command to attack. Reke called softly to alert them to his return and hurried to Zigny.
   "The C'Mander asked you to take a strike force into the alcove. I am ordered to lead the majority of our force against the insects," reported Reke.
   "Inverts," said Zigny almost absently.
   "The insects are called inverts, they are bred by the drow to mine. They eat stone and digest all but ores and gems. The things are both diggers and refineries in one. They can climb any surface and tear through any stone, and they are nearly impenetrable from underneath," explained Zigny.

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