The Berserk Warriors of Lief the Skullsplitter

The History of King Raevil the True

About Lief
Page 9

   First the archers fired lit arrows over the walls and into the castle alerting the men to the attack. Several fires were set that were quickly dealt with by the guards. At that sign, the Seahawk began firing great bolts into the castle. Some were covered in the dragonsblood oil and sprayed the liquid fire everywhere as it hit the rough stone walls of the castle. Several bolts hit the northern coastal tower and weakening the base and causing it to lean to one side.
   Gripir's commander ordered a couple hundred men to get to the longships and attack the great ship. As they reached the docks, they were set upon by Raevil's men and quickly slain. Then the attackers within the castle moved to take over the northern wall. They took the unprotected wall quickly and set about making the large gate open.
   Raevil's archers had remained firing into the castle while the main force of warriors hid behind shields from the enemy fire, and the horsemen sat mounted waiting for their chance. At the head of the mounted warriors sat Raevil, he had left Vertin to command the main force of warriors. When the gate was finally opening and the signal from the north wall given, Raevil led the horsemen around the side of the castle and into the gate. He and a full column of his secondary force moved deeper into the walled enclosure to bring death to the defenders of the castle. They spread across the wide courtyard, meeting the main force of defenders out in the open where he could use his mounted position to best advantage.

   Vertin ordered the main force to follow behind the horsemen and to run for the gate. The archers quit firing and ran for the open gate. The secondary force awaited Vertin and his men at the gate, while the mounted warriors cut into the guards in the courtyard. When the main group entered the gate, the hidden force moved out to clean off the walls of defenders and to clear the main courtyards. Vertin had his force fill the doorway and secure the gate mechanism, while the archers set up positions on the walls.
   Once the archers were in place, Vertin ordered his men to break down the main doors to the castle proper. They rushed to comply and soon had broken down the thick wooden doors and were entering the home of Gripir. On the sight of the great door being breached, Raevil pulled his horse around and dismounted at the door following the main force into his previous home. He could hear screams as the Kingsguard met a quick and final fate.
   He was soon called forward by a messenger from Vertin who had Gripir confined to one room. Raevil arrived to find Gripir at dinner, eating as if he had no idea his kingdom was coming crashing down. His large breakfast was also accompanied by a great deal of "viess, leaving him drunk and almost insensible. When he saw Raevil he grabbed his sword, which had laid bare on the table and lurched for his brother, only to fall flat on his face cutting himself horribly with the sword and bleeding out, in loud spurts all over the floor.
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