The creatures
of the realm are not all monsters, but quite a few deadly animals of
both fantastic and mundane natures reside near the Academy. The leading
Master in studying the animals and creatures of the land is Instructor
Sorlen. In his Bestiary
you will find descriptions on the
various oddities of the region.
Feline Beasts of Edgewood
Flying Beasts of Edgewood
Strange Beasts of Edgewood
Of all the Masters at Scatterwalk Academy, one investigates the
differences between similar races of humanoids. Master ThysiasKyn's
focus on humanoid nature may be odd, but his knowledge of various fey
and demi-human races is unchallenged at the Academy. His studies on Humanoids is perhaps the best in the Library.
Diminuative Humanoids
Halfling Studies
Gnomish Studies